

Aaron Carey-Burrows


The Thinker

The Thinker

Deity of the Infinite

Deity of the Infinite

The Infinite the Pilgrim the Holy Ducky

The Infinite the Pilgrim the Holy Ducky

Submission Title

In nomine Infinitum et Peregrinantem et Sancti Anatis.

Submission Location

Nithackstraße 22. Berlin.

Submission Notes

The thinker tries to look into the infinite but is distracted by the face in the mirror. I’ve gotta get past this facial fascination and try to discover my reality!

Is that... is that a rubber ducky?

Additional Notes (A Short Word on Wonder)

Wonder is an unlimited resource for the curious creative. A gift that keeps on giving and a fell beast that brings us to our knees.

We wonder at the infinite, the playground of the inquisitive thinker, the god of the humble contributor. We make of it what we will and understand of it less than we can imagine.

The infinite can be infinitely understood, infinitely and infinitely misunderstood, infinitely. Maybe both ways meet in the middle?

Are we who do not cower vanquishers of the unknown, or do we wade with wax wings into hubris, when waiting at the shore was also an answer, as the waters of wisdom lap at our toes.

The divisive duality of the curious and the cautious, their tension straining, straining against the unknown triadic 3.1 4orce that holds them in torsion.

The unseen spirit of the world we cannot perceive, a world that nevertheless exists inside and around us.

Maybe if we find our elusive ghost, we can uncover the unknown secrets of the universe.

Maybe this balance is miracle enough.

Manifesto Statement

The infinite can be infinitely understood, infinitely and infinitely misunderstood, infinitely.

Additional Responses from A1

The name of someone in your field you admire

David Vilarinyo @davidvilarinyo

A photograph you’ve taken

An existing image of current affairs

A1 Response Prompt Material

The Egoist
(1 April 1916)

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